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As I Wander

A wandering soul is searching for something that he knows not. Looking for just a glimmer of hope somewhere, somehow, some way, but he finds nothing – nothing more than what has already been. But what good is what already has been when there seems to be nothing that is?

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An Exaggerated Reality

“I think it’s important to sometimes step back and appreciate a more grimy style of art, especially when so much of it is sanitized nowadays.”

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When Time Stopped

“Where were you when time stopped?” I vaguely remember that quote from a movie that I saw years ago. That question was being asked by

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Warrior Saints Pt. 3: Soldiers of Piety

In the past two articles, we established that Warrior Saints were, in fact, warriors. We also discussed the warrior spirit that has endured since the Old Testament and is still alive and well today within Christianity. This time, I want to focus on the more saintly aspects of Warrior Saints. This will be the long-awaited explanation of what separates the heroic, venerated warriors of Christendom from the hollow idols that the pagans worship.

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The Keeper Pt. 1

The young boy exclaimed with joy as he came scampering from his bed and down the stairs. The brightly colored tree caught the look of the child. Below it sat presents, more than he could count. He darted into the room, yelling about Santa and began dancing excitedly around awaiting to tear into the colorful packages. The illusion disappeared and the robot, Sonny, is left standing at the foot of a tall chimney that was once surrounded by an old wooden house.

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What if…

“What If…” is yet another piano improv piece, meaning that it is entirely improvised – written as I play it, never to be played again.

That brings up a question to ponder.

What if?

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Mess and Bright Flair

Chandelier sighting in town   A storefront without a sign   Shining bright from an angle   Broken mess without flair   I want to

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