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Mausoleum of My Memories

I feel like a specter, haunting halls once troddenA shadow cast where light once burned bright.I stalk the ground where familiar footsteps once trekked. A

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Hey There

It’s not looking for a greeting. Just move along, if you would be so kind.

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An Exaggerated Reality Pt.2

I’m back with four more drawings. Similar to the last post I made, these are all inspired by “ugly” selfies that I requested from my friends.

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Let Me Be a Fool

Lord, grant me wisdom and understanding,

For I feel like a pathetic fool.

But if that’s what I am,

Let me be a fool

Tucked away in your arms.

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Hope, forced through gritted teeth and a smile

A divine concept, though recently characterized not by God,

But by over-budgeted Disney films

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