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This piece was for the inktober prompt “RIP” and I got a little carried away.

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The Keeper Pt 3

The building was different; younger, and seemingly missing objects that had been there for ages and less rusted from the centuries. Sonny looked down to the whirring Chronosphere and inquisitively lifted it up and inspected the object.

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As the Candle Flickers

Candles don’t flicker in a vacuum. The flame cannot sustain inside the vacuum where there is no oxygen so the flame dies immediately. Outside of a vacuum though where a flame can survive, what makes it flicker?

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A Peek

An unidentified wild duck. Assuming the sleepy position, with just an eye out for safety.

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The Spirit’s Reveal

This is a picture from an Orthodox service, the first liturgy in an old Anglican church. The sun’s warmth in combination with the golden materials

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The Keeper Pt. 2

Sonny walked back to his vehicle, a floating bike-like device that hummed deeply as it sat there. He placed his collections from the various places he had traveled in a compartment beneath the seat, climbed on, floated about fifteen feet off the ground and took off at immense speeds. By forests, and overflowed rivers; through overgrown towns, old highways, and ruined cities. Off the coast of the continent and over the dark ocean he sped toward his destination. A place Mother has deemed Atlantis.

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Seth Syfrett

St. Matrona of Moscow

This is a short video documentary about the life of Saint Matrona of Moscow. It shows how she preserved her faith despite her extremely difficult circumstances.

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